40 Curated Themes

Don’t know where to start? We’ve created themes to guide you through NYC's LGBT History. These themes group a selection of the historic sites featured on our website, but do not necessarily include all sites that we have related to that topic. If you'd like to see all sites connected to a topic, please use the filter available next to the homepage map.

Impact of AIDS

Gay Liberation Front

Asian American & Pacific Islander

Black History Month

Hispanic Heritage

Film & Television

Lesbian Progressive Reformers

Bar Raids & Forced Closures

1970s Lesbian Activism & Community

Outdoor Public Spaces

Transgender History

LGBT-Owned Businesses

Communities of Color

Activism Outside Manhattan

Literary New York

Downtown Arts Scene

City of Immigrants

Sex & Cruising

The Bronx

Brooklyn Heights

Jackson Heights

Staten Island

Why We March

Village Pride Tour

Gay Activists Alliance

The Harlem Renaissance

Jewish New York

Pre-20th Century History

Bars & Nightlife

Activism Before Stonewall

Homophobia & Transphobia

Broadway Theater District

Influential Black New Yorkers

Early Community Centers

Lesbian Life Before Stonewall

The AIDS Crisis

LGBT-Named Public Schools

Art & Architecture

National Register Listings

Spotlight on the Theater