Bars & Nightlife
While their significance is often underestimated or dismissed by heterosexual society, bars and other establishments played a pivotal role throughout the 20th century — but particularly in the pre-Stonewall era — as centers for LGBT activism and community.
These spaces, whether always gay friendly or only during certain times of the day or week, gave LGBT people the freedom to be themselves in a way they usually could not be in their personal or professional lives.
This curated collection largely reflects the bar and nightlife scene of downtown Manhattan; as we research more sites we encourage you to reach out to us with suggestions in upper Manhattan and the outer boroughs.
Historic Sites in Bars & Nightlife
From Valentine’s Day 1970 to June 1974, the Loft, one of the most influential underground house parties, operated out of the second floor residence of musical host David Mancuso. Mancuso... Learn More