Washington Square to Stonewall LGBT Walking Tour
June 20, 2023 | 6 PM
North side of the Washington Square Arch, located on the north side of the park at the base of Fifth Avenue
This in-person walking tour, led by experts at the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project, highlights historic places associated with 20th century LGBT life and activism in and around Washington Square Park. We’ll visit the block of MacDougal Street, just south of Washington Square, that was once the cultural and social center of the Village’s bohemian set. We’ll also explore sites of activism and community, including the former homes of Larry Kramer, Edie Windsor, and Lorraine Hansberry, meeting places of the Salsa Soul Sisters and Gay Liberation Front, and performance spaces of the Spiderwoman Theater, co-founded by Muriel Miguel, and the Judson Poets Theater, one of the earliest Off-Off-Broadway theater groups. The tour will end in the West Village in the vicinity of Stonewall.
The tour will last approximately 1 ½ hours and will take place rain or shine.
Advance registration required — $30 general admission; $20 student, with proof of student ID.
Funded, in part, by grants from Consolidated Edison, New York Community Trust, and the New York City Tourism Foundation.